1. Please think before you write. I'm more likely publish articles that are well thought out, well written, complete with evidence.
2. I will edit all articles for HTML capability. I will not edit them for content.
3. No cursing. I will not publish articles that curse.
4. This is not a message board. While I will accept counterpoints to articles, I will not publish one sentence responses to posts.
5. Please make all articles relevant to Sailor Moon. If you feel that you MUST send an article to me about George W. Bush and why he should be president, try to make it relevant to Sailor Moon, and maybe I will publish it.
6. Finally, I reserve the right to publish or not publish any and all articles for any reason. If you do submit an article and I choose not to publish it, I will tell you via email.
All articles and comments can be sent to Moonpodium@hotmail.com.
Articles-Read articles submitted by other people and myself.
Main-Click here to return to the main page.