Subs: Uncut japanese sub-titles. The majority of the Sailor Moon population will tell you that this is the best version. You get to see the full unedited episodes, original names and voices, with the sub-titled words at the bottom of the screen. It is great to get the full version of the episodes so you don't miss out on important parts of the story line. The music is absolutely wonderful. But subs do have their disadvantages. If you get a bad tape you'll never be able the sub-titles. Availability to get the episodes are difficult. Most people don't have money and especially don't have access to find sub-titles. So if you have the cash and the connections this is the one for you!
Dubs: Edited, english version. It first aired on the USA network catching plenty of attention. You can watch these episodes and not get dizzy from sub-titles. They actually did an okay job on the english names, and voices. The episodes are also free, you can just tape them off of TV. The Dub catches the interest of new people, making them want to see more and bringing them into the world of anime! Like the sub-titles their are also bad points with dubs. the american version is cut and edited so much that it almost looses its original story line. Many really great scenes are cut out because it was made to be seen by 'kids'. There may be one or two good songs but overall the music is kind of lacking. The worst of all though, their most likely won't be any more dubs because of Harukua's and Michiru's relationship. If the episodes were dubbed they may cut and edit so much that the whole story will be lost!
With subs and dubs there really is no better version. It's all based on the opinion of the watcher. Some may prefer the japanese, others may prefer the english. But one thing is for sure. Neither one of them stacks up to the Sailor Moon manga! ;)
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